Tuesday 7 February 2012

How Chiropractic Care Can Help In Spinal Malfunctioning?

Spine injury and its related disorders, if left untreated can cause major health hazards. The spine is generally affected by accidents, sports injuries, pregnancy, whiplash etc. Chiropractic treatment is a ground breaking technology for providing cure for spinal disorders and its related malfunctioning.
A healthy spine is very important to carry out our normal day to day activities. If the spine is not in good health then it causes variety of problems like muscle stiffness, stress and limb weakness. The spinal cord runs directly in the middle opening of the vertebra and sends signals to every organ, muscle and several systems of the body. If a spine problem is left untreated then it radiates to other areas of the body.
Condition which affect the spine and treatment
The conditions which affect the spine and causes various disorders are poor posture, starting to exercise, pregnancy, hurt on the job, growing pains, stressed, car accident, active in competitive sports, fall, computer back syndrome, foot pain, sport injuries and whiplash. Sometimes spinal problems are also hereditary. Nowadays, doctors use modern chiropractic technique and procedures to provide most efficient treatment.The techniques commonly used by chiropractic practitioners are laser therapy, orthopedic extremity adjusting, motion palpation, and cox spinal decompression.
Factors responsible for spinal malfunctioning
1 Most of the spine problem begins in early childhood. Therefore the spine should develop correctly in childhood, to avoid any spine related abnormality later in life.
2 The feet is very complex structure composed of skin, blood vessels, nerves, tendons, muscles, bone, joints and ligaments. Therefore, foot pain put significant amount of stress on joints of legs, hips and lower spine. The chiropractor can help you in overcoming your foot or ankle problem, which if left untreated can cause problems in other body parts like leg, hip and the spine.
3 Poor posture and obesity also put lot of pressure on vertebra and discs of the spine. Chiropractic treatment helps in restoring vertebra to its normal position and improves functioning.
Ground breaking technology
Chiropractic treatment is a ground breaking technology and has helped a lot of professional athletes not only for spine related discomfort but also for performance enhancement. It provide relief from chronic pain, headache, personal injury and disc disorder cases. The techniques are equally useful for seniors, adults, teenagers, infants and newborns.
In chiropractic treatment, exercise plays a very dominant role in the maintenance of healthy muscles, joint mobility, endurance and flexibility. It also includes rehabilitative exercises, nutritional advice, massage, mobilization, and other lines of treatment.
The several advantages of chiropractic treatment includes strengthening of the immune system, increasing vitality, enhancing flexibility, preventing spinal degeneration, and increases blood circulation.
More effective than surgery
Research has proved that chiropractic treatments are, far more effective than surgery for treating disc conditions. If you are suffering from any spinal injury or its related disorders, then it is good to get in touch with your chiropractic doctor as soon as possible. It is an invaluable step to figure out how to take a proper care of your cervical spine.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Vitiligo Treatment That Works - Where?

As I mentioned earlier, vitiligo is a condition in which the cells of the skin responsible for pigmentation either stop working or die. And when these cells stop working they produce the most notable symptom of vitiligo, the light patches of skin that can be found anywhere on the body. These cells are called melanocytes. They are located at the bottom level of the epidermis. (The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin.) No one knows why this condition affects people or where it comes from. Many scientists have speculated about all kinds of environmental factors but no one cause has been identified. What has been identified is that vitiligo affects EVERYBODY!
Vitiligo affects every race, it crosses the gender lines and economic status has no bearing on it. It can affect young and old alike and everyone that is affected is looking for a cure! Currently, there is no cure for vitiligo. But there are several treatments that have shown great promise in relieving the symptoms. Some of the treatments for vitiligo include:
1. Transplanting Melanocytes - These are the cells that are responsible for pigment. This treatment goes to the heart of the problem. The doctors transplant these cells from another part of your body (most likely your gluteal region...), to the areas affected with the vitiligo. This treatment has has numerous successes wherein patients have reported nearly complete repigmentation. But there has been some drawbacks. Some patients have reported that the vitiligo returned months later.
2. Ultraviolet Light Treatments - This treatment involves using the power of the UVA or UVB spectrum of ultraviolet light to stimulate the cells of the skin. The UVA treatment was used in conjunction with either ingesting or applying a drug called Psoralen. Using psoralen makes your skin sensitive to light, therefore allowing your skin to darken. The UVB treatment was founded later and did not involve using psoralen. Patients could just expose themselves to the UVB light.
There are many more treatments for vitiligo, but I do not have the room to list them all in this article. As with all treatments, there is a chance that it might not work on you. Not all treatments will work for all people. So it's important that you, the person affected by vitiligo, do not stop looking for that one treatnment that can help you on your way to relieving your vitiligo.

Monday 12 December 2011

A quick look about vitiligo

  1. Vitiligo is generally visible as a patch of white depigmented skin white spots on skin.
  2. The tendency to vitiligo is linked with autoimmune disease.
  3. The cells that normally produce skin pigment melanocytes are destroyed by vitiligo.
  4. The hair in areas affected by vitiligo may also turn white.
  5. A number of genetic diseases are also linked with vitiligo.
  6. The white skin patches can increasingly spread to numerous areas of the body.
  7. Vitiligo is a general condition affecting 1%-2% of people in global
Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder in which melanocytes the cells that make pigment in the skin are cracked. As a result thus patches appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Alike patches also appear on both tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose and the retina. The hair that grows on areas affected by vitiligo sometimes turns white.
The cause of vitiligo is not known, researchers have numerous different theories. There is strong proof that people with vitiligo come into a group of three genes that make them susceptible to depigmentation. The most widely accepted view is that the depigmentation occurs because vitiligo is an autoimmune disease a disease in which a person's immune system reacts against the body own organs or tissues.
Vitiligo cure may also be inherited; that is, it can run in families. Children whose parents have the disorder are more likely to develop vitiligo. In fact, 30 percent of people with vitiligo has family member with the disease. However, only 5 to 7 percent of children will get vitiligo even if a parent has it, and most people with vitiligo do not have a family history of the disorder. Scientists do not know the reason for the association between vitiligo and these autoimmune diseases. However, most people with vitiligo have no other autoimmune disease.
0.5 to 1 percent of the world's population, or as many as 65 million people, have vitiligo. Half the people who have vitiligo develop it before age 20; most develop it before their 40th birthday. The disorder affects both sexes and all races equally; however, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin
Vitiligo generally appears in one of three patterns:
Focal pattern depigmentation limited to one or only a few areas called mild Vitiligo
Segmental pattern depigmented patches that develop on one side of the body called moderate Vitiligo

Generalized pattern the most common pattern. Depigmentation occurs symmetrically on both sides of the body called severe Vitiligo

Focal pattern vitiligo and segmental vitiligo remains localized to one part of the body and do not spread. There is no way to predict if generalized vitiligo will spread. For some people, the depigmented patches do not spread. The disorder is usually progressive, however, and over time the white patches will spread to other areas of the body. For some people, vitiligo spreads slowly, over many years. For other people, spreading occurs rapidly. Some people have reported additional depigmentation following periods of physical or emotional stress.

People who develop vitiligo usually first notice for their
white spots on skin. These spots are more commonly found on sun-exposed areas of the body, including the hands, feet, arms, face, and lips. Other common areas for white patches to appear are the armpits and groin, and around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, genitals, and rectum.

In addition to white patches on the skin, people with vitiligo may have premature graying of the scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard. People with dark skin may notice a loss of color inside their mouths.
How is vitiligo diagnosed?
The diagnosis of vitiligo is made based on a physical examination, medical history, and laboratory tests.

To help confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may take a small sample (biopsy) of the affected skin to examine under a microscope. In vitiligo, the skin sample will usually show a complete absence of pigment-producing melanocytes. On the other hand, the presence of inflamed cells in the sample may suggest that another condition is responsible for the loss of pigmentation.
Emotional and psychological aspects
Regardless of a person's race and culture, white patches of vitiligo can affect emotional and psychological well-being and self-esteem. People with vitiligo can experience emotional stress, particularly if the condition develops on visible areas of the body (such as the face, hands, arms, and feet) or on the genitals. Adolescents, who are often particularly concerned about their appearance, can be shocked by extensive vitiligo. Some people who have vitiligo feel uncomfortable, mortified, miserable, or anxious about how others will react.
Available options for vitiligo treatment / vitiligo cure
The main goal of anti vitiligo treatment is to improve physical appearance. Therapy for vitiligo takes a long time-it usually must be continued for 6 to 18 months. The choice of therapy depends on the number of white patches; their location, sizes, and how widespread they are; and what you prefer in terms of treatment. . Current treatment options for vitiligo include medication, surgery, vitiligo emedicine, and adjunctive therapies are now available but these therapies are not suitable for every patient.

These are some of the most commonly used:

1 - Topical steroid therapy.                                     6 - Psoralen photochemotherapy.
2 - Topical psoralen photochemotherapy.              7 - Oral psoralen photochemotherapy
3 - Depigmentation.                                                 8 - Surgical therapies
4 - Autologous skin grafts.                                      9 - Skin grafts using blisters.
5 - Micropigmentation (tattooing).                          10 - Autologous melanocyte transplants